When I was in college, trying to become a game developer, I often would push myself to try and do game design work. I would develop challenges to force myself to do the work I believed I should have been doing. Challenges like game jams, or “A Game a Week” challenges.
I look back now, and I wonder… to what end? All this struggle, turmoil, hope, and failure, for what? I worked hard, tried to complete each challenge, but why? Did I love it? Did I seek answers that this form could bring?
So the question is… Is this always coming from a place of need? A place of want and desire?
Is there a “Game a Week” project whose objective is not “Have a bunch of games so I am not so insecure about who I am”?
And additionally - is there any place in life for doing something first, then developing enjoyment of it later?
Deep mysteries, every one.