Ideas come, but sometimes they take some time to implement. It seems right to try to fulfill each idea completely.
But what we don’t realize is that keeping an idea around is like standing still. It jams the pipes.
The new ideas can’t enter your mind until the old ideas have concluded.
So how should we handle old ideas?
If you have old ideas, clear them out as quickly as you can! Give every one a chance, then let it go.
Most ideas are unanswered questions. “What would this be like?” “Could I make something that was like this?” Finding answers to those questions is easier than we think.
Sometimes, you can find most of an answer with a little introspection. Other times, you just can’t figure it out. That’s a deep idea you just found!
And if you let an idea go, and it was really important, then it will come back again later, when you least expect it.
In short, don’t be afraid to let ideas go, to make space for the new ones!