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08/24 | What are Video Games?

08/24 | Coming of age

08/24 | Rules

08/24 | Two games, and the confusion between them

08/24 | What is Exploration in games?

08/24 | Principles for good tabletop games

07/24 | The Fridge

07/24 | Are role-playing games the right tool?

07/24 | A game a week

07/24 | Love and Beauty

07/24 | One Path

07/24 | Somatic Knowledge

06/24 | Krishnamurti

06/24 | Intensity

06/24 | Once a day

06/24 | Publish your work

06/24 | Thoughts on summary and impatience

06/24 | Proust on habit

06/24 | Why do the wise speak in riddles?

06/24 | What kids are for

05/24 | Alternative Calendars

05/24 | Fantasy or Surrealism

05/24 | A rolling stone

05/24 | Sitting

05/24 | Quick thought on writers block

11/22 | Steven Pressfield's 'The War of Art'